• (586) 215-7676
  • info@varcomsolutions.net
  • Saint Clair Shores, MI

Web Development Services

Web Development Services

If your organization doesn’t have a website, you are missing out on all the exposure that the internet can provide.  Varsity Computer Solutions can help your business establish an online presence, making it easy for customers to find you on the internet.  Your website is a direct extension of your company’s brand.  As such, you want to make sure that your website is a high quality representation that corresponds with your corporate identity.

A high quality website is online one piece of the online puzzle.  You want to make sure that your website ranks high enough on search engines to be found for the services you provide, in the area you service.  For that reason, Varsity Computer Solutions provides Organic Search Engine Optimiation (SEO) services.  We will help monitor and track traffic to your website and identify ways to help maximize your exposure to search engines.

When utilized in conjunction with your website, Social Media has become an incredible tool for disseminating information and generating inbound traffic to your website. By integrating your website with social media outlets, you can generate a single post on the website that will automatically post to social media outlets.  User on social media will then click those posts and be directed to your website.  Varsity Computer Solutions can integrate your website with social media, reducing the redundant work of making individual posts on teh website and multiple social media platforms.

Have a product or service that you can sell online?  Varsity Computer Solutions can seamlessly integrate a fully featured online storefront to your website, in a manner that your web customers never leave your site to make a purchase.  You can easily manage products, while taking payments via credit card. Receive email notifications when a sale is processed, as well as automated email notifications to customers at key points in the purchase process.

Web Design, SEO, Social Media & E-Commerce Services

Here is a short list of some of the typical services that we can provide in relation to web development:

  • Custom Website Development
  • Web Application Development
  • Organic Search Engine Optimization Services
  • Social Media Branding & Audience Building
  • Website / Social Media Integration
  • E-Commerce Storefront Development & Implementation
  • Website Traffic Analytics & Tracking
  • Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) Procurement & Implementation
  • Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising Development & Monitoring